by Laurie S. | Jan 11, 2019 | General
I want to connect with you I love Pilates and I love to write, so it is probably natural that I found my way to a Blog. However, I’m surprised it has taken me this long to start one! I talk to my husband and kids a lot about my job as a Pilates Instructor, but I think...
by Laurie S. | Jan 11, 2019 | General
Mat work is my favorite part of the Pilates repertoire. Not only are mat exercises the most challenging since you don’t have the spring resistance to work against, but they are also the most revealing when it comes to asymmetry in the body. On an off day, doing a Roll...
by Laurie S. | Jan 11, 2019 | General
What is Classical Pilates anyway? You have probably seen the word classical several types while pursuing my website. What does this word mean and how does it distinguish this type of Pilates from others? First let me start by saying that I don’t think there is...